W3ll People Bio Correct Concealer (Light)

Hello!! So I’m back!! I’ve been totally MIA on this little thing I call my blog. Sorry that I suck so bad 😔 Life got busy these last few months and I could barely keep up with anything. But time passed and I realized I was still trying all these awesome, new (to me) products and I really wanted to share my thoughts on them. So here I am, a year later, (yikes) ready to finally do my first review in ages. I promise I won’t do this to you again!

I waited what seemed to be an eternity for my W3ll People Bio Correct Concealer to come in because it was backordered everywhere (first good sign?). When it arrived I remember thinking that this little tube was teeny, tiny. But when I swatched it I was blown away by how little you needed to achieve a full coverage application. I’ve now been using it for a year so I’ve had tons of practise with it. Let me repeat that… I’ve been using this concealer for more than a year! So now I’m basically an expert on this concealer. I reach for this concealer every time I’m doing just concealer and nothing else – which honestly isn’t that often but it does the job well and blends seamlessly.

Before my son was born I never realized just HOW IMPORTANT under eye concealer is. A few months after Lucas was born it became apparent to me that a new concealer was needed. In one week I had three different people point out my dark circles! Yikes! Let me tell you, it’s super fuckin important now.

Enter W3ll People Bio Correct. This stuff does not disappoint when covering both dark circles or blemishes. It is definitely a full coverage concealer. If you need a full coverage, non-toxic concealer, keep reading my friend.

W3ll People Bio Correct Concealer

W3ll People Bio Correct Concealer

When I first started using it months ago, I was applying it with what I now realize was too much eye cream underneath. This caused it to crease on me. Although it wasn’t a lot of creasing it was still noticeable to me and made me self-conscious. I then started experimenting with applying much less eye cream and voilà! I found my perfect under eye concealer. I never did enjoy the outcome when setting it with powder. Maybe I wasn’t using the right powder but it just looked too dry to me. I also love to use this concealer to spot correct any blemishes after I’ve done my foundation and blush. I feel like once it’s on you can be sure it’s not going anywhere. For both applications a little dot of the product truly goes a long way. This little blessing in a tube has lasted me well over a year. Six months of that was continuous use and then I started experimenting with other forms of concealer.

So if you’re in the market for a new concealer, please consider this little baby. If you’re a new Mom, quit wasting time and just buy it already. You can thank me later 😘

Have you tried W3ll Peoples Bio Correct Concealer?

Where to buy:



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